Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Gott Nytt Ar

Ja da va det nytt ar, det kan val inte ens ni ha missat?

I Korea fick man bonus om man inte gick pa bordell under julhelgen, ja det kan ni lasa mer om
har, sjalv har jag jobbat mest hela helgen, men det har inte varit sa farligt, jobbade till 18.00 pa julafton (tror det va nat sant) och till 21.00 pa nyarsafton, men sen blev det desto mer kalas!

Ja SVT har ju sin arskronika, men den far jag inte titta pa har i taiwan, sa darfor visar jag lite bilder fran martins egen arskronika, (med bilder jag snott fran lite varstans).

Taipei City garbage truck drivers protest at a labor rally held on the streets of Taipei, November 19, 2006, to ask Taipei Mayor candidates to pay more attention to labor unemployment problems.勞工團體十一月十九日於台北街頭舉行遊行,要求台北市長候選人重視勞工失業問題。圖為遊行中一群垃圾車駕駛於遊行中裸體抗議提出訴求。

Rosinha Sambo, a sex worker from Sweden, performs at a news conference, November 21, 2006, to show her support for the upcoming 2006 International Sex Worker's Cultural Festival, which will be held from November 24 to 29 in Taipei to promote equal rights for sex workers.2006台北國際娼妓文化節暨性產業政策行動論壇記者會二十一日在台北新光三越站前廣場舉行,來自瑞典的性工作者Rosinha Sambo(右)用薩克斯風表達對整個活動的支持。

Det har ju varit mycke problem med
Kina (som vanligt) under det gangna aret.

At Taiwan's night markets, there are infinite choices of food, drink and local delicacies, prepared and served in many creative ways.走進台灣傳統夜市,饕客們永遠都有享用不盡的美味佳餚,而且每一項都別具創意與當地特色。

The Pingsi Sky Lantern Festival in Taipei County is one of the main activities of the Lantern Festival. People send lanterns aloft with prayers for prosperity and safety, and lovers write their aspiration for love and happiness on the lanterns.

Miaoli County Magistrate Liu Cheng-hung shares barbecued pork with aborigines taking part in a party celebrating the first anniversary of the aboriginal affairs bureau in his administration.

People float candle-lit paper lanterns in a Taipei river to mark World Aids Day on Dec. 01, 2006. 希望工作坊等單位十二月一日在台北雨農橋下舉行世界愛滋病日放水燈活動,表達對愛滋病患的支持與關心。

Falun Dafa protesters perform a mock operation outside Banchiao Stadium, Taipei County , Dec. 02, 2006. They claim the Chinese government is persecuting Falun Dafa and performing illegal operations on them.「捍衛人權,抗議中國活體摘除器官」遊行活動十二月二日在台北縣板橋市舉行,主辦單位以行動劇演出中國非法鎮壓法輪功學員,並且摘除學員器官之後,移植牟利,手段相當殘酷。

Falungong practitioners act out a torture scene as they protest outside Banchiao Stadium, Taipei County, 03 December 2006. Members of the Falungong religious movement were bringing to the public's attention what they claim is the Chinese government's torture and abuse of their fellow practitioners.「捍衛人權,抗議中國活體摘除器官」遊行活動十二月二日在台北縣板橋市舉行,主辦單位以行動劇演出中國非法鎮壓法輪功學員,並且摘除學員器官之後,移植牟利,手段相當殘酷。

Taipei First Girls High School band perform at the school's 103th year anniversary celebration, December 12, 2006.北一女學生於十二月十二日慶祝該校103週年校慶,圖為樂隊表演。

A Shinkansen-style high-speed rail train arrives at Banciao station during a trial run on December 26, 2006. Taiwan's ambitious bullet train project, powered by Japanese technology, has got the green light for launch, the transport ministry said on Monday, after repeated delays and funding problems.高鐵公司十二月二十六日邀請台北縣議員試乘,體會最高時速兩百九十 五公里的急速快感。

Som sagt, det var ju nyar har i Taiwan och ungefar sahar sag det ut.

Sahar sag det forresten ut i Kuala Lumpor.

Performance at a parade held on December 31, 2006, to celebrate the upcoming 2007.

Nu ar det forresten dags att sticka ivag pa resa till Malaysia o Singapore, det avslutas med lite kortsemester i Thailand, har har vi da tva bilder att avsluta detta inlagg, sa hors vi val kanske nar jag e tillbaks i taiwan igen.

Mitt absoluta favvo-thai-band!

Jag ager forresten ocksa en motorcykel nu, men det kan vi snacka om nasta gang, tills dess, ha de fint, puss